Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dr. Sharee Broussard won 2010 CASE Research Award

Congratulations to Dr. Sharee Broussard, who received her doctoral degree in Mass Communication from the University of Southern Mississippi in December, 2009.

Her dissertation, "Source-Message-Receiver in Integrated Marketing Communication A Study of U.S. Institutional Advancement," has been chosen as the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation winner for the 2010 CASE Alice L. Beeman Award for Outstanding Research in Communications and Marketing for Educational Advancement.

More information about the award:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Congratulations to Jim Coll and Alice Ferguson for getting their papers published in the inaugural issue of SYNERGY, an interdisciplinary graduate student journal. In celebration of the university’s centennial, which occured on March 20, 2010, this issue features work exclusively by USM graduate students submitted from each of the five colleges.