Friday, October 29, 2010

Dr. Woodall

Dr. Lowery Woodall successfully defended his dissertation this morning. His dissertation, titled "The Secret Identity of Race: Exploring Ethnic and Racial portrayals in Superhero Comic Books," was directed by Dr. Campbell. Congratulations to both!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another New Doctor in the House!

Cassandra Johnson successfully defended her dissertation, titled "The Experiences of Mississippi Weekly Newspaper Editors as They Explore and Consider Producing Internet Editions," on October 19, 2010. This dissertation was directed by Dr. David R. Davies. Congratulations to both!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Alumni News - Dr. Elizabeth Barfoot Christian

A book edited by Dr. Elizabeth Barfoot Christian, who received her doctoral degree in Communication from the School of Mass Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern Mississippi in 2009, Rock Brands: Selling Sound in a Media Saturated Culture, will be released by Lexington Books in December (
Dr. Christian has also been invited to write a series of blogs on music marketing for Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The AJHA Southern Miss Group

Dr. David R. Davies, doctoral students Pam Parry and Kaylene Armstrong at the American Journalism Historians Association conference in Tuscon, AZ.

More conference information: