Wednesday, November 19, 2008

CFP for "blowing up the brand"

BLOWING UP THE BRAND, a conference at New York University's Institute for Public Knowledge, 8-9 May 2009. Please send 500-word proposals for consideration by 5 JANUARY 2009. If accepted, 10,000-12,000-word final drafts are due by 15 APRIL 2009.

Friday, October 31, 2008

2009 AEJMC Southeast - Oxford, MS

2009 AEJMC Southeast Colloquium will be held at Ole Miss. in March. It's close enough to drive. Please check out the paper call at the following web site:

Deadline: Dec. 5, 2008

Call for Submissions

Journal of Advertising - Special Issue
Advertising and its Connection to Violence and Abuse

Submission deadline: March 31, 2009

More info at:

ICA paper call

2009 ICA conference will be in Chicago, please go to the conference web site for more information: 


BEA paper call

BEA's annual convention takes place each year following the NAB Show in Las Vegas.  Please make plans for BEA2009 - April 22-25 at the Las Vegas Hilton and Las Vegas Convention Center.  

PCA/ACA paper calls

The Popular Culture/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA) joint radio interest group invites you to submit a paper or panel for the 2009 international conference scheduled for April 8-11, 2009 in New Orleans, at the New Orleans Marriott. Deadline is November 30, 2008. The PCA/ACA radio interest group is among the foremost national forums for radio studies. For more information, please go to: 

Call for Submissions

The Howard Journal of Communications

The Howard Journal of Communications invites manuscripts for a special section assessing the news media’s coverage of race and race relations 40 years after the Kerner Report found the media in part responsible for creating a climate of racial divisiveness that led to widespread violence in America’s inner cities. Formally known as The Report of the National Advisory Commission On Civil Disorders, the Kerner Report, was issued in February 1968. Now, some 40 years later and in the midst of a historic presidential campaign, American news media are again confronted by the challenges of race and gender in reporting.

Guest co-editors of the special section will be Dr. Carolyn M. Byerly and Dr. Clint C. Wilson II. The special section will include three to four manuscripts selected through peer review process. Manuscripts should conform to APA style and other requirements stated on the journal website (

Send four (4) copies of your manuscript to Dr. Carolyn Stroman, Department of Human Communication Studies, John H. Johnson School of Communications, 525 Bryant St., NW, Howard University, Washington, DC, 20059 by January 1, 2009.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2009 Graduate Student Research Symposium

The 2009 Southern Miss Grad Student Research Symposium will be held in March and now we are accepting abstracts (only abstracts, not completed papers). This is an excellent opportunity for you to present your research on campus, get feedback, and maybe send it to a bigger conference later. For more information, please go to

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

2009 AEJMC Midwinter Conference

2009 AEJMC Midwinter Conference call for papers (Thanks, Dr. Campbell):

Deadline: Dec. 5, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sept. 18 Meeting

In this meeting, Dr. X talked about general policies and paperwork in MCJ graduate programs. Please check out the the podcasting site for the entire speech. You can also go to MCJ web site and download the most up-to-date Graduate Handbook at:

Monday, August 18, 2008


The School of Mass Communication and Journalism (MCJ) graduate research forum is an informal monthly seminar/presentation event for MCJ graduate students and faculty members to discuss research projects and exchange ideas.

This forum is intended to achieve the following goals:

Motivate discussion and debate among MCJ graduate students and faculty on research topics in different areas of mass communication and journalism. This discussion should also provide useful feedback for the presenters and improve their work.

Provide practical advice and insight for graduate students on wide range of issues such as “How to write a research paper or a thesis” or “How to find a job.”

Help graduate students improve their presentation skill and practice for their formal talks (comps exams, defenses, conference presentations, etc.).

Provide an opportunity to socialize with other students and faculty in the school that you may not see on a regular basis.

Presentations are limited to 15 minutes to leave sufficient time for group discussion.

In a nutshell, we would like to use this forum to improve the quality of research among graduate students in the School of Mass Communication and Journalism, and provide useful information that will help students succeed in the graduate program, i.e. finishing the program, getting published and writing a good thesis/dissertation.

The forum is open to all graduate students and faculty. Its success depends on your participation. If you have any suggestions for the forum, or you would like to present your research at the forum, please contact Dr. Fei Xue (Dr. X). Some of the presentations will be recorded upon permission and posted on the forum podcast site.