Friday, October 31, 2008

Call for Submissions

The Howard Journal of Communications

The Howard Journal of Communications invites manuscripts for a special section assessing the news media’s coverage of race and race relations 40 years after the Kerner Report found the media in part responsible for creating a climate of racial divisiveness that led to widespread violence in America’s inner cities. Formally known as The Report of the National Advisory Commission On Civil Disorders, the Kerner Report, was issued in February 1968. Now, some 40 years later and in the midst of a historic presidential campaign, American news media are again confronted by the challenges of race and gender in reporting.

Guest co-editors of the special section will be Dr. Carolyn M. Byerly and Dr. Clint C. Wilson II. The special section will include three to four manuscripts selected through peer review process. Manuscripts should conform to APA style and other requirements stated on the journal website (

Send four (4) copies of your manuscript to Dr. Carolyn Stroman, Department of Human Communication Studies, John H. Johnson School of Communications, 525 Bryant St., NW, Howard University, Washington, DC, 20059 by January 1, 2009.

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